NeoFly is out
- Hired pilots not updating if they land while NF is closed - Cleo Chapter 3: wrong line in log - Contact Us: wrong email address -...
NeoFly is out
NeoFly 4 is out !
NeoFly4: Freelance will be available from Sky4Sim
NeoFly4: Freelance
NeoFly 4: resizing
NeoFly 4: Campaigns
NeoFly 4 : Introducing Employees profiles !
NeoFly 4 EA: Airlines and new avatars
NeoFly 4: Sky4Sim is beta with NF in-game application
NeoFly 4: NeoPad is replaced by Sky4Sim !
NeoFly 4 Hired pilots is out
NF4 Hired pilots
NeoFly 4 Early Access BF10: Repaint
NeoFly 4 EA bugs fix 9: explo point !
NeoFly 4 bf8: New market
NeoFly 4 aircraft update
NeoFly EA bugs fix 4
Neofly4 - A spirit of freedom
NeoFly 4 Early Access bugs fix 1