Q: Is Neofly free?
A: Yes! However you can help the development by purchasing addons and becoming a patron.
Q: What is the difference between the installer & folder version of Neofly?
A: The only difference is how Neofly installs. The installer version will install automatically and check for updates every time you launch Neofly. The folder version allows you to choose where to install Neofly, but you will have to manually update it. In gameplay, there is no the difference, both versions are exactly the same.
Q: Do I put Neofly in the community folder?
A: No, you can run Neofly from anywhere on your PC. However some of the addons do need placing in your community folder. More Info
Q: White bar on the map / Invalid Credentials on map.
A: You need a Bing Key. Link to more information.
Q: I have a 401 error.
A: This could be because you dont have a Bing Key or because you are using a VPN.
Q: Neopad is blank.
A: Make sure you have a Bing Key saved in settings. Check Neopad is activated in settings (tick in box). You may also need to press the refresh button.
Q: What is the difference between Custom, Pro & Survival?
A: Neofly can be configured to your personal taste by changing settings. Custom mode gives you full flexibility and a full range of options. Survival mode has limited options as aimed at users who like a challenge. Pro mode sits somewhere in between. More details can be found here.
Q: I've updated Neofly to the latest version and now my game wont load?
A: If you haven't updated Neofly for some time it could be your database is too old for the latest version. To test this, you can find your current database and rename the common.db to something else. You can find your database here : c:\programdata\neofly Neofly will then create a new database when you relaunch it.
Q: After installation, Neofly doesn't start, no error message and the Neofly folder is not created in c:\programdata.
A: Download & Install vc_redist.x64.exe from Microsoft