User Guide
The flying tab is where you prepare and track your flight.
In the Briefing you can see the mission details. In this example, we have a pax mission, weight 483lbs, 3 passengers, the flight departure & destination, the distance (39nm), the deadline of 31 July 2021 , the pay and any special requests.

In the aircraft section you will be able to select any aircraft from your hangar that is located at the departure airport.
If you are using a modified, 3rd party or aircraft with a livery, you may have to add it into the Neofly database before you can fly it. See adding aircraft to Neofly
You may also notice the Good weight. This is the weight of any market items you have onboard.

Connect & Fly
When you press Connect & Fly (C&F) a link is established between Neofly and MSFS using simconnect.
Neofly will look at a number of variables, the aim is to get all green lights.

In this example we can see:
Neofly is connect to MSFS
Our aircraft in MSFS matches our settings in Neofly
The aircraft is at the correct airport
The aircraft motor is off
The parking brake is on
The pilot has the required qualification
The payload / cargo is not yet loaded
The aircraft matches the number of passenger requirement
☑ Random failures are enabled
☑ Random events are enabled
Cargo & Payload
To load the cargo for our mission we adjust the weight in MSFS. You can do this while in the world map or while sitting in your aircraft. When seated in your aircraft, go to the top of your MSFS screen with your mouse and your toolbar will appear.

Click the weight (highlighted in red) and a menu similar to this will appear.

To add your weight correctly you will need to set the pilot weight to 170lbs.
Then add the cargo weight that your mission requires.
Then add any goods weight you might have (items bought in the market).
Adjusting Fuel & Refueling
If you have Auto Fuel enabled (in settings) your fuel amount from the hangar will be loaded onto the aircraft for you.
If you would like to add more fuel or maybe remove some because you are overweight, you must first stop the aircraft engine(s), then alter the fuel load in the Neofly hangar. MSFS will then automatically update.
If you don't have Auto Fuel enabled, simply match the fuel from Neofly to the Fuel load in MSFS.
If you would like to refuel during a mission.
Land at your chosen airfield.
Turn off your engine(s)
IMPORTANT: If a MSFS menu appears it is important you CLICK CONTINUE. (clicking ‘main menu’ or ‘restart’ will end your mission)
Buy more fuel in your Neofly Hangar
Start your engine(s)
Take off and carry on your journey
Take Off
When you have added your cargo and started your engine(s) you will have all green lights. You will also hear dispatch confirming everything is OK. Once you are given the all clear, push back, taxi and take off!
You can track your position on the live map & Neopad. At the bottom of the map you have the option of satellite and road map, to centre the plane on the map and to show the destination icon only.

If activated, you may hear dispatch informing you of an event or situation. This will happen randomly. Dispatch may ask you to change your destination airport because of a sick passenger, for example.
You can change the probability of an event triggering in settings: Event Probability
Not all 'events' are mandatory, in this scenario it’s up to you to decide whether to divert or proceed to the original destination. Cash bonuses and extra XP could be gained if you choose to divert.
You will only get redirected to airports closer than your destination or in the same range.
When your arrival airport has a hard runway, you will only get diverted to a hard runway.
When you get redirected to a hard runway airport, the new destination runway will be at least as long as the original.
Failures can happen at any time due to debris or bird strikes for example. They will typically happen close to take off or landing. The default probability is 15, so this is a 1/15 chance per flight that a failure or debris strike may occur. However, if your aircraft maintenance status is 25% or below you may find failures occur more often. Failures include panels and gear not working or something more major, like engine failure! You can choose to have failures activated or not on a per flight basis. Check the box to activate failures. The failure probability can be altered in settings.
When you have successfully landed you will be asked to park the aircraft. Your mission log will show the details of the flight, whether it was successful or not and any bonuses gained or lost.