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New: Shared aircraft


  • Fixed issue with VIP mission weights being too heavy


  • Shared missions now expire after 5 days .

  • Shared Aircraft

    Now when you click on the job Share button in the Airline panel, you will get a new dialog with an option to share your aircraft with the job.  This is optional. The planes proposed will be suitable for the mission pax/weight and type (eg you cannot share a C152 for a VIP mission)

    Important: The plane you share is still available for you to fly!!  Even if the other pilot doesn't fly the mission or crashes the plane, you won’t lose yours.

    You can share a plane as many times as you like with your missions. If a job has been shared with an aircraft, the player taking the job will now see an image of a aircraft next to the owner's avatar on the mission panel. 

    Add the job like usual and the shared plane will be added to your hangar. Place your pilot in the aircraft and fly the job.  Once you have completed the mission, the plane is removed and returned to the owner. 

    Remember you will need the correct qualifications and rank to fly the mission and aircraft as usual. Any flight attendants or co-pilots used will be removed at the end of the mission. The online map has been updated with a search plane filter.

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